Thursday, January 2, 2014

It was a distress because of the unknown eunuch!

You think if it doesn't matter! Emily - Anne Rigal is my nemesis because I was born in Singapore.
Though I was bullied in my previous years about how naive of the lousy teachers have each selfishness and the classmates tried to bully me but tease off just like the lousy teachers.

Although I couldn't bear about something how it can happen!
This is the unusual scheme in my life....
It is such a bad happening time of the schools of Pei Chun and Pathlight seriously because it was very cram badly!

Wong Geok Choo is very defiant, arrogantly as bold as brass because she is selfish in her silliness inappropriately! She scares me, tried to kidnap me before and torment me with her mental torture skills! She is not nice because she is pretentious!

About November 11, 2013.......

It was quarrelsome scheme into the time!

How could I let myself to feel why it is happening?
It is on a DUMB - GOOF 11 November 2013 time!

What can it dumb for a dumb on Emily - Anne's silliness?
It's just beginning for the salty bread - candies on the done with this tea - party for time to plunder the kettle.
That's what I do! But I can see where I can challenge! I solved a progress if I solves a problem!
What would I try?

What a dumb luck I do?
On 11 November 2013, it is enough of the dumb - luck kettle on the bore - gore!
Once in the time, Emily - Anne is being bullied which has been call her as a 'Bore - Gore'?
Enough with my life is settling down! What done wish!

But I can solve something on 11 November 2013 seriously or defiantly.
That is how naive of that!
I am not going to being introduce to Dawn Ng just like Emily - Anne Rigal! Wong Geok Choo scares me just like Nur Akmar, Dawn Ng, Calvin Goh or Emily - Anne Rigal!
Sweet in the insanity time! Not my time to go! What am I going to do? What have I done to anyone else?
I've forgot about my older brother figure......Let me go to the America world in the great prosnippers out to 'No Brains' on the loose!
I don't want to lose anything if I can try!
How would I ever want to think? She creates the web because I haven't put up the web in my previous years!
This is the eunuch named Emily - Anne Rigal!
What could I want to find out? Am I putting Emily - Anne Rigal into the onion bag?
What am I thinking about the Bore - Gore Emily - Anne?
Am I going to revive?
I'm going to SURVIVE!!!!!!!

I pray nothing why I could!
This is how her pretentiousness is!
That's it!

I am going to find out how it goes on! No matter what!
That's how I can clear a dead skin from my body seriously! I am going to find out why I do! I am going to find out!

I am going to revive my previous years!

I'll find out right NOW!

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