Thursday, January 31, 2019

Solid wall as columns in Extreme Football

In this Extreme Football show, there were the places at the locations in the nowhere!
Wait a minute! Oh! There was a rocky solid wall!
Let's just see what happened!
Find out!
Let's hope I'll find out!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Happy birthday to Benjamin Bollen

Happy birthday to Benjamin Bollen!
He is the French actor and voice actor, he was born on January 24, 1984 and his star sign is Aquarius!

He had a voice roles: John Darling, Chubs and Stringbean in The New Adventures of Peter Pan, Adrien Agreste in Miraculous and Joey in Extreme Football. Omae! He must have been quite sweet and had a full of tubby charms.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Happy birthday to the Japanese man named Tsubasa Yonaga (代永 翼) and the American lady named Dove Cameron!

Here comes the note!
Ta - da!

Happy birthday to the Japanese man named Tsubasa Yonaga and the American lady named Dove Cameron! πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ♑πŸ—

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Monday, January 7, 2019

My two birthday wishes are how I spent more time to create everything and was unlikely inspired by the works of both Wee Tian Beng and Kazu Kibuishi

Happy birthday to me, my first birthday is I spent a time to create everything and my second birthday wish is how I was both unlikely and similarly inspired by the works of both Wee Tian Beng and Kazu Kibuishi.
Look upon my diary page as a note!

Knife is a drawing blade which is from the picture of the Ceremonial Blade in 2004 game: Kuon. A cover for the knife I draw it!

I had something very important news where I draw the weapon which looks like one of the three blades of the game named Kuon because of the Yin Phase.
Surprise! I draw the main knife and a cover because I find the knife which is unlikely similar to the ceremonial knife of Yin Phase in the 2004 game called Kuon.

Look upon to the ceremonial blade from the game named Kuon (2004)!
Whoa! The Ceremonial Knife is wielded by Utsuki in the 2004 game called Kuon.

Oh! That'll be very wonderful! I will draw the knife and the cover for the twin protagonists (I draws my two own characters of the Covenant comic industry), Koby and Mina; one by one!

Happy birthday to Tsugumi Hazawa (羽沒 ぀ぐみ)!

Tsugumi Hazawa (羽沒 ぀ぐみ) is a lovely girl!
Happy birthday to Tsugumi Hazawa, the princess of the Afterglow!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy birthday to Rie Tanaka (η”°δΈ­ 理恡)!

Happy birthday to Rie Tanaka!

Happy birthday to Kai Marie Cech!

Happy birthday to Kai Marie Cech, the loveliest girl!
Oh! Kai Marie is so sweet! She was born on January 3, 2011. She is the youngest sister of Miya Cech and her two older siblings ~ one sister and one brother. Her star sign is Capricorn, her Chinese zodiac is a Tiger.

She had a lovely face!
She loves unicorns dearly!
☺️ Wow! πŸ’—

What she was so much petite!
More sweetest as she had a babydoll face!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy birthday to Satomi Akesaka (ζ˜Žε‚θ‘ηΎŽ)!

Satomi Akesaka is the oldest among the two children, she was born on January 2, 1988. She is very petite, lovely, attractive, beautiful and delicately tender. She is the Japanese actress, voice actress and former singer, she had a younger brother and loves a cats.
Happy birthday to Satomi Akesaka (ζ˜Žε‚ 聑美)!
She is purest at all!
She is quite fairer!
Happy New Year!

Happy birthday to Satomi Akesaka!!!!
New Year's Eve is beginning of Satomi Akesaka's birthday!!!