Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Sweeter Colors of Kiri Hyoryu (氷竜キリ) in Future Card Buddyfight (フューチャーカード バディファイト) and Tsukumo (ツクモ) in Megami Meguri (めがみめぐり)

 The information is about these colors of something! The colors are creatively rounded as nearly shaped of spot, so; that will be very futuristic!

The colors of Kiri Hyoryu (氷竜キリ) in Future Card Buddyfight (フューチャーカード バディファイト) and Tsukumo (ツクモ) in Megami Meguri (めがみめぐり).

That's how the colors were input of the color spots!

Friday, August 12, 2022

The colors of Trance Garnet Til Alexandros XVll (トランス ガーネット・ティル・アレクサンドロス17世) in Final Fantasy 9

 The colors were very typical of holy light as well as a sea - breeze - color as well as a milky spur as the light charm as peridot colored shine in the specific hinder of Garnet Til Alexandros XVll who entered the Trance (トランス).

So mildly beautiful, highly brightest, extremely magnificent and colorfully holy - deploying!

This is a beautiful artwork of the 'Trance Garnet Til Alexandros' colors!