Saturday, December 30, 2023

Atropos the little child villainess of Kamen Rider Gotchard is Beneath Lord Voldemort in the 'Harry Potter' franchises

 Atropos is known as the little child villainess in the Tokusatsu show called Kamen Rider Gotchard; she is beneath the 'Harry Potter' franchised character named Lord Voldemort.

She had a sadistic pleasure just like Lord Voldemort, developed a tremendous point to figure the Chemies as tools and provided the devoid of her little child state. She is displayed her petite sweetness and tenderly skilled to act innocent and delightful to abusively misuse the alchemy of behind the scenes in spite of haughty disposition.

Aside from her brattiest and sassy petulance, Atropos has been shamefully speak playful at times which causes her being very cunning and heinous in her slightest provocation and two - faced demeanor. She relies through on Rinne Kudo manipulatively to do awful things much like Lord Voldemort in the noticeably importance of her pathological cruelty and exuberant manipulation.

Due her vindictive appearance, Atropos has provided a snobbish and deceptive beautifulness in the quietest, calm, collected and sophisticated facade as well as Tom Riddle as Lord Voldemort. She was highly intelligent, increasingly manipulative and extremely vain under her narcissistic and slyest individual and she is known as a self - absorbed, folly, egregious, critically unbearing, tenaciously despotic, unconventionally arrogant, brattily wily, obnoxiously deceitful, impossibly capricious and deviously unbearing hypocrite; harboring the malicious ways and apparently scheming streak.

Futhermore, Atropos harbors the power - hungry, tyrannical, spiteful and morbidly foxy wit.

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